Excitement on Saturday night
I was just settled in for a quiet Saturday night of watching TV and playing cards with Jim when there was a loud gunshot like sound, followed by a scream, then another gunshot like sound, and finally the sound of many sirens. Jim and I went outside to check it out to find an apartment in the building next store on fire! Earlier in the evening there had been an odd smell but I just attributed it to my downstairs neighbors and their stinky cooking but it may have been the start of the fire. By the time we went out the whole patio was in flames, there was smoke pouring out of the windows and the attic vents and there was water raining down everywhere (this complex has sprinklers in the apartments). The firemen got it out pretty quickly but according to the news 2 families were without homes after the fire.
The rest of the weekend was spent working and eating thousands of calories at Outback.