On the mend

I had half of my thyroid removed last week and I'm now at home recovering. Its not been too bad thanks to drugs and lots of sleep. :)
Tuality Hospital impressed me! They gave drugs before I got to the operating room so I wasn't freaking out and after surgery the nurses were awesome! They even have room service for food so you can order anything off their menu all day long. It was very nice to not have to eat the standard hospital food at a certain time of the day. I had to stay overnight but was out by noon the next day.
My surgeon was great! She was very reassuring and it looks like she did a great job of lining up the scar with my natural neck crease but I'll know for sure once the bandage comes off. She said I had a golf ball sized cyst and it sure feels alot better to not have that pressing on my throat anymore.
Jim has been awesome through this whole thing! He brought me a slushy and a new stuffed animal in the hospital, talked to my mom multiple times, and kept me company by letting me beat him at rummy. He has been keeping tabs on me everyday and picking me up at least once a day for lunch or errands or whatever (I can't drive yet) and is helping keep me in good spirits when it gets painful. Thank God for Jim!!
Glad it went well! Let us know if you need anything. :)
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