Sometimes its nice to have the stinky boys around.... when you are sick and can't do anything but puke. Stinky boy #1 got up at 2am to help me back to bed and get me water when I couldn't do it myself and stinky boy #2 took a day off of work to take me to urgent care so they could put me on an IV since I'd gotten so dehydrated. I was very glad that day that the stinkers live with me!
In happier news, my new house is about a month away from being finished according to the builder. I don't see how its going to happen since they still need to paint, put in cabinets and counter tops, all bathroom fixtures, flooring, etc but we'll see what happens. I've lowered the price on my current house again and I'm having an open house next weekend so hopefully that will do the trick.
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