Funniest book title I've seen in a while
I was browsing through's Christmas clearance sale and saw "Atkins is Dead Pass the Bread" and started giggling! Its only $3.89 so I'm going to buy it!
I was browsing through's Christmas clearance sale and saw "Atkins is Dead Pass the Bread" and started giggling! Its only $3.89 so I'm going to buy it!
We had a very merry Christmas at my house this year with lots of gifts, food, and friends! Even Corndog got new toys (which she promptly destoyed looking for the squeaky part). Mom and Dad sent lots of neat toys for us to play with and hurt each other with and Mom made some pretty nifty stuff!
The best present I got this year was 4 days off with no pages! I was able to read 2 books, sew a diaper bag, sew pillows for Jim's house, and knit Paul, Ammon, and Jim all hats (see the last post for my love fest with GOA).
As for physical presents, all the men in my life were pretty generous and enabling to my crafty habit!
I even got a cool desk chair so I can sew for hours and hours without getting a backache. Thanks Jim!
I haven't knit anything in so long I was beginning to think I wouldn't know how anymore! I got a request from stinky boy #2 for some hand knit gloves (which probably won't happen) so I decided to see if I could still knit. I was looking through my stash and found this GOA that I bought last year in Oregon and decided to try a hat, This is by far the easiest yarn I have ever knit with! It is soft, doesn't separate or slide off the needles, and knits into a very nice fabric. I also conquered my irrational fear of changing colors! For some reason I thought it would be really hard to do but like all of my other irrational fears, it turned out to be no problem at all :)
Another birthday has come and gone! This year I treated myself to the morning in bed reading a book then I got free lunch at Joe's BBQ and went to see 'King Kong' with stinky boy #1. The movie was ok for the first 2 hours but just like the last 'Lord of the Rings' movie just wouldn't end! I recommend that if you haven't seen it already that you should wait for it to come out on DVD so you can fast forward through all the parts where the girl and monkey are gazing lovingly at each other
I came home to this cake from Carvel's. For anyone who grew up in New York, the Carvel cake is a big birthday tradition! Usually we get Cookie Puss but they have been all out the last few times we've been. All in all it was a nice and relaxing birthday.
Thanks to Raquel for the great handmade Christmas gifts! I love getting stuff in the mail and this came at just the right time this weekend as I had just spend a day and a half sick on the couch (I've got the cold that's going around work). Getting a package and finding the cool stuff inside really lifted my spirits!
I has been getting down into the 40's at night over the last few weeks but is still nice and warm during the day here. I thought it was a little chilly in the house at night but nothing a sweater couldn't fix. The stinky boys disagreed and this is stinky boy #2's way of telling me that it is too cold in the house and we need to turn on the heat. I caved in and turned it.