All work and no play
Makes this blog pretty dull!
Last night the brothers, Amber, and I went to see Weird Al at the state fair. It was one of the best shows I've ever been to! He played for ~2 hours and and costume changes fro almost every song. The best part was when he brought out Darth Vader, R2D2, and some storm troopers to dance backup. It brought out the inner geek in all of us :)
Its funny how time gets away from you and then you realize you haven't blogged in over 2 months!
The dust has settled a little and we are now living in the new house and have a renter for the old house! We are loving the new house and its super good insulation except for when my cell phone is in the other room and I can't hear it ringing :)
My new house now looks like a house, at least on the outside. I stopped by today to check the progress and it looks pretty good though they are no where near where they need to be in order to finish by the end of this month. Since my last post they have put up most of the doors, painted downstairs, and painted outside so they are making progress.
If they are late, it just give me more time to sell the old place :) when you are sick and can't do anything but puke. Stinky boy #1 got up at 2am to help me back to bed and get me water when I couldn't do it myself and stinky boy #2 took a day off of work to take me to urgent care so they could put me on an IV since I'd gotten so dehydrated. I was very glad that day that the stinkers live with me!
My house has been on the market for 4 weeks now and only 1 person has come to look :( I know the market is slow and very competitive right now but geez!