Champoeg State Park

I never would have guessed that Champoeg is pronounced 'shampooey' but no matter how you say it this is a very nice state park not too far from Portland.
The weatherman said it was supposed to be above 100deg today (and he was right) so I got up early, drove about 30 mins, and was on the trail by 9am. The bike path at Champoeg is in need of a little work but it shaded and cool with very nice scenery. It was a nice bike ride that I was able to complete before it got too hot.
This park also had a nice looking disc golf course that I may have to try out sometime. I'm terrible at it but if you get a group of people together who don't take it too seriously, it can be alot of fun.
Day 2 of South Beach is going pretty well. I had alot more energy today but had a huge craving for pasta. Lucklity I don't have any pasta in the apartment and it was way too hot to cook anything anyway.
Hey, the bike sounds like fun! We bought mountain bikes about a year and a half ago. We don't use them as much as we should. We recently bought a trailer to hitch to it for Mason! He thinks it's fun to ride! My husband is trying to work up to riding to work every day. It's about 10 miles. It's just so stinking hot that it's hard to ride if you don't get up at 5:00 am to do it.
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