Chris's Crafting Kingdom
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
Purses- the final design

Stephanie above and Amy below with their new purses

After 6 prototypes, I've finally got a design with all the features I usually want in a purse including pockets for keys and a cell phone,

and a big zipper pocket.

I am working on a website where I will sell these for approx $30 but until then if anyone wants to custom order one just send me email.
This weekend Stephanie, Amy and I got together for lunch and craft time. It had been so long since I had spent time with girls and I had a great time! Thanks to Amy for hosting at her beautiful new house!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Ants, ants, and more ants!
My house seems to be ant central these days. Last weekend was the real infestation in the pantry, under stairs storage, Ammon's room, and my closet. All but my closet had some source of open food but I really am not sure what they were doing in my closet! I cleaned everything out, got plastic containers for stuff, and had the bug man come last week and I thought it was all under control until I started to make dinner last night and found ants in the cabinet above my stove! All I keep up there is oil, vinegar, and honey. I thought they would go for the honey but for some reason they like canola oil and balsamic vinegar. I got the cabinet all cleaned up but then lost my desire to cook so we had Chinese food for dinner :)
On a crafting note, I'm now into sewing handbags. It started when my purse strap broke and was only going to be one bag for myself but the pattern was so quick and easy that I've already made 2 and started a 3rd. I will post a photo as soon as I get my camera back (I lent it to Jim to take photos of the botched repair job at his house, a very long story). Total cost of fabric is ~$10 and they take ~3 hours to make so I'm thinking of trying to sell some on eBay.