Back from Vacation
I spent the last week visiting my friend Tiffany who currently lives in Peru, IL which is about 90 miles west of Chicago. We met in college while both doing an internship at NASA in Cleveland and later became roomates during my senior year and her 1st year of grad school.

This is not the most flattering photo of either of us but we both forgot to have Drew (Tiff's husband) take a photo so I ended up taking this at the airport.
Tiff is a stay at home mom with 2 kids. Kirin is 5 and Cooper is 2. They are great kids but boy do they have alot of energy! I'm sure I had that much spunk at some point but I don't remember it. The first few days I was there the weather was sunny with highs around 80 so we took advantage of it and ran the kids ragged with outdoor activities. It started raining on Wednesday so we redecorated Cooper's room in between Tiff playing referee to the kids. The last day I was in town we left the kids with Dad and drove to Chicago for shopping on the Miracle Mile. Once we got into downtown the snow flurries started! It was cold and I didn't buy anything but its always fun to shop with a good friend.
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