Friday, January 20, 2006

I can see clearly now....

...the haze is gone!

Yesterday I went to the eye doctor for a procedure called YAG Capsulotomy which is a fancy way to say the doctor used a laser to break up the scar tissue that formed around the implant they put in my right eye when the cataract was removed. Apparently if you have a cataract removed before age 40 then you have a 70% chance of this scar tissue forming and making your vision just as bad as it was with the cataract. It didn't hurt at all but was pretty weird since they had to put a sticky goop and a huge lens in my eye to do this. I had a little burning sensation before I went to bed last night but woke up this morning with no pain and vision as good as I've ever had!

Thanks Dr. Liang!!


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