Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Stormy Night

Last night we had the most violent storm I can ever remember. First my lawn furniture (ok, my crappy plastic chairs) were tossed about the backyard, then the tree out front sounded like it was going to tear the front of the house off, and then it started to rain. The wind died down a bit once the rain started but then came the thunder and lightening. I am one of those nerdy people who still counts the time between the lightening and the thunder to see how far away it is and last night I wasn't even getting to 1! At one point I opened the front door to see how much rain was puddling up and I saw the sidewalk totally submerged and the water starting to come up into the front yard! Luckily it stopped raining soon after that and so my yard did not flood. When I left for work this morning the tree and cacti were all still standing and my house didn't look like it sustained any damage, so I guess it all turned out well for me.


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